15 May 2012

Handi Hour

Last Thursday I went to the Renwick Gallery for their Handi Hour event.
For $20 I got:
Two craft beers
Beer goblet
Supplies for 2 crafts
Instructions for 2 crafts
Scavenger Hunt
Live music

So it was pretty much amazing

Oh and your surrounded by artwork

The gallery

The live music

Craft 1: scarf made from t-shirt

Trying it out

Craft 2: Duck tape wallet
The next one is July 11th check it out here!


  1. Scarves from tee shirts I have seen. Wallets from duck tape is a new one. You will have to share how to do that.
    Very colorful. I like it.

  2. Wow, that sounds like a pretty great deal.


Comments are awesome!