08 January 2011

knitting frenzy

I had a bit of a knitting frenzy leading up to Christmas.... actually it was leading up to early December (mailing over seas takes time).

I made Gretchen a blanket. I got some size ideas from some online patterns, but then just went with a simple design I came up with on my own. As you can tell below, she loved it!

(Side note: in the background you can see the book "simple times: crafts for poor people" that I got for my sister. She enjoyed it, but the funniest part was everytime my mom picked it up my sister said "you can read it, but don't get mad")

For my mom's side of the family we do a Christmas gift name exchange. With aunts, uncles, and cousins living all over the states (and some in Europe) its a nice way to think of each other when we can't actually be together. This year I got my cousin Ellen's name (disclaimer: I'm actually the executor of the name exchange, but I have a secret highly fair system). I made her a knitted cowl like the one I made myself in the fall.

Ellen with a warm neck on slopes
I took a bit of a knitting break over the holiday, but am excited to start my next project especially because I got this awesome "knit kit" for Christmas.
A stitch counter, crochet hook, tape measure, scissors, thread cutter, needle covers, and stitch markers...
... all fit in this tiny thing, great for travel and small apartments


  1. Glad you like the knit kit. Gretchen looks funny in that pic, like a porcelain doll. She still likes her blanket especially when she is in her swing.

  2. I've never received a hand knitted by Courtney item, just saying.

  3. I don't believe I have a hand knitted by Courtney item either, but I do have crocheted by Beth items!!!!!


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