06 January 2015

More Goals

Reading through all the New Year's posts and articles made me think of a few more things I'm going to try to do this year.

On Lauren Conrad's website* they had a list of 10 resolutions everyone should make. One of them overlaps with a resolution that apparently Pope Francis has for us all. That is to stop wasting food. I am very guilty of this. I'll buy something and use it for one meal, but never find a use for the rest of it. During the Farm Share I was super guilty of wasting fresh veggies! I know. I'm ashamed, but sometimes I just couldn't find a use for a whole head of cabbage when I had a busy week. So I'm going to clean the fridge of all out of date food and focus and using every thing I buy or putting it in the freezer before it goes bad.

Second goal is to keep learning. Last Spring I learned how to screen print, but then I didn't sign up for anything new. I'm going to try to keep something on the calendar. I found some cool online resources yesterday that I'm excited to try out.

General Assembly- https://generalassemb.ly/ has some cool classes and workshops in DC. Focused around web design, business and technology.

Codecademy- http://www.codecademy.com/ teaches coding starting at the simplest level. I already learned to make an animation from my name and start a mini solar system.

Coursera- https://www.coursera.org has college courses from all over, some are free and some are paid. You can take a class or they have specializations that have a series of courses.

*Yes I occasionally read Lauren Conrad's site. I may have a small girl crush on her.


  1. Please! I totally read Lauren Conrad's site! I'm also really guilty of wasting food. It's really hard in my house...with my husband gone 50% of the time, it becomes really difficult to go through an entire bag of spinach on my own (just an example).

    I'll have to check out that General Assembly site!

  2. I just quit buying food and eating at work. Lauren Conrad is cool. Nice goals!


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