02 May 2010

Happy May Day

When I was little I would make a basket from woven paper and add flowers gathered from the yard and hang it on my grandma's door, knock, and run away. I don't know the last time I did that, but today I was surprised with flowers! (thanks Susan)

So Happy May Day. A little history- May day comes from pagan beginnings but was Christianized along with Europe. The first day of May was celebrated as the first day of Summer and originates from many holidays in many countries and is currently celebrated in different ways around the world (including bonfires in Germany). May day is also associated with labor day and the labor movement. However I like the flowers on the doorstep and maypole tradition the best.

1 comment:

  1. did you guess it was from her or did she leave a card? I thought it was a secret pal kind of thing.


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