17 September 2008

Shopping for shoe supplies

I have been shoe making supply shopping my way around Manhattan this week. Monday I went to Home Depot and got my staple gun, staples, mallet, and breathing masks. Tuesday I went to Lee's Art Supply store and purchased my self healing cutting mat, masking tape, and super sculpy. Today I went to Kaufman's Shoe Repair Supplies shop, which was the most fun thus far. I got tons of things not exactly sure what the names are for all of them. My favorite purchase was my lasts. My lasts' are named Elsa.

The exterior of Kaufman's wasn't too intimidating located on Lafayette north of Houston.
But the inside was! I had to stand and wait for awhile before anyone paid me any attention.
Then this guy helped me and was great! He got most of the items on my list while I found my lasts and then helped me find my heels too. I asked if I could take a picture of the store and he went to ask his boss. When he returned he said yes you can take a picture and you can also take a picture of me... so I did. He was friendlier than this picture shows.

Most of my supplies... one more store to go tomorrow.
Elsa! They didn't have used lasts any taller. They will be a bit higher with the ends of the heels put on. Tomorrow is class number 2!

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