02 November 2007


What better a night than Halloween to be caught in an angry mob? I wandered down near the Halloween parade route on my way home and while turning a corner the sidewalk traffic got a little crazy and people started pushing from behind and I couldn't go anywhere forward. For about five minutes I couldn't move on my own and was pushed every way and people were yelling at each other, it was pretty horrible. The one funny part was this crazy lady that came up and started trying to bulldoze her way through and she started yelling "subway, subway, I'm trying to get to the subway, subway, subway, subway" it was funny and when someone pointed out that we were all trying to move toward the subway she said "I don't think they know I want to go to the subway, subway, subway, subway,subway" So funny, but crazy.
Is this a bum dressed up for halloween? Or a halloweener dressed as a bum?

No I didn't carve this pumpkin nor does it look like it took very long, but did it make my night? Yes.

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