05 March 2013

Air, Space, and the stairs that lead there

Saturday I stopped by the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum with a friend. I had been before, but it was at least 12 years ago. So even though there probably hadn't been many changes I didn't remember much from my last visit and was able to enjoy the rockets and airplanes like it was my first time. 

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space capsule
We also walked by the the Exorcist Steps, which looked lovely and unassuming in the sunshine.

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  1. For some reason the air and space smithsonian is the one I've visited every time I've been to DC. The last time I was there with Jack, and no one can read a plaque quite like Jack. Well I guess dad could give him a run for his money.

  2. I like the steps but please don't make me go to that musuem, so boring.


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